Hello, snorers! So you have vexed everyone in your family with your snore... You've tried lots of
stop snoring remedies but nothing seems to work. But you should never bow your head and continue striving. Still looking for another non-traditional
stop snoring remedy? Here it goes. This time a folk one.
First of all, please don't think that a folk
stop snoring remedy is less effective. Remember that people often turn to folk medicine having tried many other traditional
stop snoring remedies. And in many cases it brings them relief.
Maybe it's your case as well? The folk
stop snoring remedy that I want to tell you about this time is actually
a recipe that is based on
cabbage and
honey. Here it follows. Take a fresh cabbage leaf and cut it into small pieces. Add honey. Or you can mix a glass of cabbage juice with a spoonful of honey and take it in right before sleep. The course of such treatment lasts about one month.
And remember that the most
effective therapy is a
complex one. Why should you refuse from some other
stop snoring remedy if it can add more therapeutic effect to your treatment? For sure it will serve you right. For example, you can combine "cabbage & honey"
stop snoring remedy with doing some exercises to strenghthen your nasopharynx muscles. They advise pronouncing sound "i" with force and effort about 30 times a day. At first your throat may hurt but only at first. You must practise it regularly and you should not forget about it if you want to get over your disease. Or you can combine cabbage & honey with another
non-traditional stop snoring remedy that we considered last time -
singing before sleep. It brings the desired effect, I know it by myself.
Honey, cabbage and a song:
Snore no more as you are strong!