Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Mucus cleaning as a stop snoring remedy

Well, I told you that in search for the most suitable stop snoring remedy I've surfed through hundreds of websites and wormed dozens of books. But this time I'm gonna tell you about the stop snoring remedy that I've discovered from my own experience.

It happened by chance. I used to drink distilled water and one day I noticed that I have lots of snots & snivels. It meant that my body mucus began to dissolve and exude. And at the same time my snore became more and more silent. I realized at once that mucus cleaning can be a stop snoring remedy. I stopped eating food of mucus - farinaceous foods, meat and milk, and began to eat more vegetables - potatoes, cabbage, beet. Also following Paul Bragg's tips I began to fast one day a week and it facilitated mucus eduction from the body.

That's it. Please remember, I'm not forcing you to eat healthy food and practise fasting. Your health is up to you. But I know you've come here probably because you have the same problem that I once had and now have it no more. So take my words seriously. Cleaning your body from mucus can be a stop snoring remedy and it works. So as the proverb says: a clean fast is better than a dirty breakfast.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Cabbage & honey: folk stop snoring remedy that may work

Hello, snorers! So you have vexed everyone in your family with your snore... You've tried lots of stop snoring remedies but nothing seems to work. But you should never bow your head and continue striving. Still looking for another non-traditional stop snoring remedy? Here it goes. This time a folk one.

First of all, please don't think that a folk stop snoring remedy is less effective. Remember that people often turn to folk medicine having tried many other traditional stop snoring remedies. And in many cases it brings them relief. Maybe it's your case as well? The folk stop snoring remedy that I want to tell you about this time is actually a recipe that is based on cabbage and honey. Here it follows. Take a fresh cabbage leaf and cut it into small pieces. Add honey. Or you can mix a glass of cabbage juice with a spoonful of honey and take it in right before sleep. The course of such treatment lasts about one month.

And remember that the most effective therapy is a complex one. Why should you refuse from some other stop snoring remedy if it can add more therapeutic effect to your treatment? For sure it will serve you right. For example, you can combine "cabbage & honey" stop snoring remedy with doing some exercises to strenghthen your nasopharynx muscles. They advise pronouncing sound "i" with force and effort about 30 times a day. At first your throat may hurt but only at first. You must practise it regularly and you should not forget about it if you want to get over your disease. Or you can combine cabbage & honey with another non-traditional stop snoring remedy that we considered last time - singing before sleep. It brings the desired effect, I know it by myself.

Honey, cabbage and a song:
Snore no more as you are strong!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Singing as a stop snoring remedy

Stop snoring remedyYes, singing can really be a stop snoring remedy. The fact is that snoring is often caused by weakness of soft palate muscles. And singing is an excersise that strengthens them. Many people who tried it claim that this stop snoring remedy really works!

What's more important the method is scientifically proved. More than a hundred patients at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital participated in the programme of exercises designed to strengthen the throat. The results were quite positive.

The consultant otolaryngologist Malcolm Hilton uses a course entitled "Singing for Snorers" that was oroginally developed by Alise Ojay, a singing teacher. He carried out his studies that also proved fruitfulness of this stop noring remedy. M. Hilton believes that such exercises could be also a solution for those who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea.

Thus, try to sing every time before sleep. Say good bye to snoring with a song!

Sleep in the next room

Today in the Cures for Snoring blog I've written about two main types of cures for snoring: the conservative and operative ones. All of them can be called either intrinsic or scientifically proved. In Stop Snoring Remedy I will focus your attention mainly on non-traditional cures for snoring or cures that belong to the so called folk medicine. Moreover, such stop snoring remedies can be quite effective and even lead to a positive result when the radical methods don't. Let's consider some stop snoring remedies:

- winding down and relaxing before sleep. For example you can take a bath, meditate, have sex or do whatever you like. The bottom line is that you should go to bed feeling relaxed. As a result you’ll get to sleep quicker, breath easier, and consequently snore less.

- another stop snoring remedy is keeping your sleeping to a regular schedule. Your body will get accustomed to it and you will have an easier sleep: going to bed and waking up won't be the two most hated things in your life (as S. Maugham once said). Keep your body clock winded! You may even keep a diary where you will put down when you go to sleep, how many times did you wake up at night, the reasons for that, etc. Thus you will alway have a firm ground to be your own sleep analist:)

Next time I'll post some new tips on stop snoring remedies here. And now just have a look at the anecdote:

- Doctor, my snoring is so loud that it even wakes me up at night. What can I do about it?
- Sleep in the next room.

One more stop snoring remedy, isn't it?

Friday, November 24, 2006

Searching for the proper stop snoring remedy

It's not a secret that snoring has become one of the most acute problems of modern society. Modern society is searching for the most effective stop snoring remedy. The rapid growth of our technocratic civilization has caused air, water and soil pollution. The products we buy and consume are far from being 100% healthy. Social and psychological problems, nueroses and anxiety disorders also take their toll. All these aggravate the situation for those who suffer from snoring. So the causes for this troublesome disease are no longer barely physiological. Apart from those anatomical abnormalities that I considered in my Best Cures for Snoring blog here I would like to touch mainly upon those functional factors that may tell negatively on the condition of upper airways. So among them there are:

- sleep itself (lowering of the muscular tonus),
- lack of sleep and fatigue,
- alcohol abuse,
- soporifics (sleeping pills, etc.),
- smoking,
- lowering of thyroid gland function,
- menopause (for women),
- aging.

Thus before turning to some drastic and operational stop snoring remedies you should eliminate the above-listed factors. Even in case you inevitably resort to strong stop snoring remedy your health caution, normal day regimen, sound sleep and the refusal from bad habits will certainly make your treatment more effective and your recovery more rapid. And if you think that the main reason for snoring is age I would strongly recommend you Paul Bragg's refuse-to-grow-old ideology. "Be ageless and youthfull, why not?"

Stop snoring, why not?